Dott.ssa Miriam Rovesti

Dott.ssa Miriam Rovesti


26/9/21-31/12/2023 Dirigente Medico presso l’Ospedale Guglielmo Saliceto di Piacenza, Unità di Dermatologia, con attività clinica e di dermochirurgia

2022 ad oggi Dermatologa in libera professione presso diversi studi e poliambulatori (Piacenza, Suzzara, Desenzano, Cento di   Ferrara):

11.08.2021 Specializzazione in dermatologia e venereologia con votazione 50/50 e lode

1/12/2018–ad oggi BLSD (CPR and AED) Istruttore AHA

02/2017–31/12/2020 Membro dell’ Editorial Board e Peer Reviewer della rivista scientifica “Dermatologic Therapy”

25/06/2018 Vincitrice del premio "Massimo Ceccarini" per i giovani medici coinvolti nel campo della ricerca dermatologica per lo studio della Vitiligine

02/11/2016–ad oggi Pubblicazioni scientifiche:

  1. L Sacchelli 1 2, F Filippi 1 2, A Balato 3, R Balestri 4, F Bellinato 5, N Bernardini 6, L Bianchi 7, M Burlando 8, A Campanati 9, M A Chessa 1 2, M Corazza 10, A Di Cesare 11, V Di Lernia 12, F Diotallevi 9, M Esposito 13 14, M C Fargnoli 13 14, P Gisondi 5, A Giunta 15, K Hansel 16, M Magnano 4, M Megna 17, G Odorici 10, F Prignano 11, C Potenza 6, G Rech 4, M Rovesti 18, A Ruggiero 17, F Satolli 19, L Stingeni 16, D Gibertoni 20, F Bardazzi 1 2 PsoBioVax: A multicentric Italian case-control study of the immunological response to anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine among psoriatic patients under biological        therapy.  J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Dec 7. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19662. Online ahead of print
  2. Rovesti M, Zucchi A, Feliciani C, Satolli F. Case of large lentigo maligna melanoma of the scalp treated with 5% and 3.75% Imiquimod. An Bras Dermatol. 2021 Jul 12:S0365-0596(21)00168-9. doi: 10.1016/j.abd.2020.08.025
  3. Angelo Valerio Marzano, MD1,2, Giovanni Genovese, MD1,2, Chiara Moltrasio, MRes1,3, Valeria Gaspari, MD4, Pamela Vezzoli, MD5, Vincenzo Maione, MD6, Cosimo Misciali, MD4, Paolo Sena, MD5, Annalisa Patrizi, MD4, Annamaria Offidani, MD7, Pietro Quaglino, MD8, Renato Arco, MSc9, Marzia Caproni, MD10, Miriam Rovesti, MD11, Giorgio Bordin, MD12, Sebastiano Recalcati, MD13, Concetta Potenza, MD14, Serafinella Patrizia Cannavò, MD15, Gabriella Fabbrocini, MD16, Carlo Tomasini, MD17, Mariarita Sorci, MD18, Maurizio Lombardo, MD19, Paolo Gisondi, MD20, Ketty Peris, MD21, Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton, MD6*, Emilio Berti, MD1,2* and SkinCovid-19 Italian Network of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (SIDeMaST). The clinical spectrum of COVID-19-associated cutaneous manifestations: an Italian multicenter study of 200 adult patients. Accepted for publication the 7 January 2021 in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD). J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 May;84(5):1356-1363. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.023. Epub 2021 Jan 18
  4. De Felici Del Giudice MB, Brusasco M, Rovesti M, Manuguerra R, Dominici MM, Zucchi A, Feliciani C, Stanganelli I. A nodular pink lesion with an uncommon diagnosis: a quiz. Acta Derm Venereol. 2020 Aug 18;100(15):adv00236.
  5. Rovesti M, Pierobon E, Vaschieri C, Genovese G, Marzano AV, Lotti T, Satolli F, Feliciani C. Case of severe vulgaris and foliaceus pemphigus in a young patient treated with Rituximab with subsequent development of chronic urticaria. Dermatol Ther 2020 Jul;33(4):e13665
  6. Satolli F, Gandolfi M, Rovesti M, Zucchi A, Roberta M, Stanganelli I, De Felici Del Giudice M, Torello L, Feliciani C. Blue nevus of the nail: a case report and review. Dermatol Ther. 2020 Jul;33(4):e13763.
  7. Zucchi A. Rovesti M. Satolli F. Bertolani M, Gandolfi M, Lotti T, Feliciani C. Simplified removal of the Donati Stitch. Dermatol Surg. 2020 Feb;46(2):281-282.
  8. Bertolani M, Satolli F, Zucchi A, Rovesti M, Feliciani C. A case of transient telangiectatic purpura after axillary dissection. Dermatol Ther 2019 Jun 6:e12982.
  9. Satolli F, Rovesti M, Bogdan Moran AB, Griselli G, Agarwal M, Amr Abdel-Hakim Rateb S, Gianfaldoni S, Lozev I, Pidakev I, Feliciani C, Tchernev G. Biofibre artificial hair implant : retrospective study on 1518 patients with alopecia and present role in hair surgery. Dermatol Ther. 2019 Jun 6:12985.
  10. Satolli F, Gandolfi M, Rovesti M, Zucchi A, Milani M, Feliciani C. Generalized verrucosis: a therapeutic challenge: efficacy of topical sinecatechins (Veregen) 10. Dermatol Ther 2019 Jun 6:e12986.
  11. Gandolfi M, Satolli F, Rovesti M, Zucchi A, Milani M, Lotti T, Feliciani C. Topical sinecatechins in the treatment of verrucae planae of the face. Dermat ther 2019 May; 32(3):e12891.
  12. Tortorella R, Mori E, Rovesti M, Casanova D, D'Astolto R, Scrivani S, Bertolani M, Zucchi A, Feliciani C. Huge rhinophyma in a complicated patient successfully treated with CO2 laser. Dermatol Ther.2019 May;32(3):e12850.
  13. Fioranelli M, Bottaccioli AG, Bottaccioli F, Bianchi M, Rovesti M, Roccia MG. Stress and Inflammation in Coronary Artery Disease: A Review Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology-Based. Front Immunol. 2018 Sep 6;9:2031. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02031. eCollection 2018. Review
  14. Lotti T, Gianfaldoni S, Valle Y, Rovesti M, Feliciano C, Satolli F. Controversial issues in vitiligo patients: a review of old and recent treatments. Dermatol Ther. 2018 Sep 17:e12745. doi: 10.1111/dth.12745. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
  15. Gianfaldoni S, Tchernev G, Wollina U, Lotti J, Rovesti M, Satolli F, França K, Lotti T. Vitiligo in Children: What's New in Treatment? Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):221-225.
  16. Gianfaldoni S, Wollina U, Tirant M, Tchernev G,   Lotti J, Satolli F, Rovesti M, França K, Lotti T. Herbal Compounds for the Treatment of Vitiligo: A Review. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):203-207.
  17. Gianfaldoni S, Tchernev G, Wollina U, Lotti J, Satolli F, França K, Rovesti M, Lotti T. Vitiligo in Children: A Better Understanding of the Disease. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 20;6(1):181-184.
  18. Gianfaldoni S, Tchernev G, Lotti J, Wollina U, Satolli F, Rovesti M, França K, Lotti T. Unconventional Treatments for Vitiligo: Are They (Un) Satisfactory?. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):170-175.
  19. Rovesti M, Fioranelli M, Petrelli P, Satolli F, Roccia MG, Gianfaldoni S, Tchernev G, Wollina U, Lotti J, Feliciani C, Lotti T. Health and Illness in History, Science and Society. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 20;6(1):163-165.
  20. Rovesti M, Satolli F, Ricci R, Manuguerra R, Zucchi A, Gandolfi M, Gianfaldoni S, Claudio F, Wollina U, Tchernev G, Lotti T. Once in a Blue Moon … Rare Adnexal Tumor: From the Clinical and Videodermoscopical Aspects to the Mohs Surgery and the Histological Diagnosis. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):146-148.
  21. Satolli F, Rovesti M, Zucchi A, Gandolfi M, Feliciani C, Tchernev G, Wollina U, Gianfaldoni S, Lotti T. A "Yellow Submarine" in Dermoscopy. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 7;6(1):76-78.
  22. Lotti T, Wollina U, Tchernev G, Valle Y, Lotti J, França K, Satolli F, Rovesti M, Tirant M, Lozev I, Pidakev I, Gianfaldoni S. An Innovative Therapeutic Protocol for Vitiligo: Experience with the Use of Fraxel Herbium Laser, Topical Latanoprost and Successive Irradiation with UVA - 1 Laser. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):49-51.
  23. Gianfaldoni S, Tchernev G, Wollina U, Roccia MG, Fioranelli M, Lotti J, Rovesti M, Satolli F, Valle Y, Goren A, Tirant M, Situm M, Kovacevic M, França K, Lotti T. Micro - Focused Phototherapy Associated To Janus Kinase Inhibitor: A Promising Valid Therapeutic Option for Patients with Localized Vitiligo. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):46-48.
  24. Lotti T, Tchernev G, Wollina U, França K, Lotti J, Satolli F, Rovesti M, Gianfaldoni S. Successful Treatment with UVA 1 Laser of Non - Responder Vitiligo Patients. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Jan 21;6(1):43-45.
  25. Said AAR, Albzour BM, Santiago M, Agrawal M, Rovesti M, Satolli F, Wollina U, Tchernev G, Lotti J. Automatic Artificial Hair Implant: Safety and Efficacy in Androgenetic Alopecia. A Prospective Study with a Highly Biocompatible Fiber. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2017 Jan 20;6(1):38-42.
  26. Fioranelli M, Roccia MG, Rovesti M, Satolli F, Petrelli P, Feliciani C, Lotti T. René Favaloro: the heart surgeon. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2017 Oct;167(Suppl 1):25-26.
  27. Satolli F, Rovesti M, De Felici MB, Zucchi A, Pagliarello C, Feliciani C. Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising in a Verrucous Epidermal Naevus: Clinical, Histological and Therapeutic Observations. Acta Derm Venereol. 2018 Jan 12;98(1):132-133.
  28. Rovesti M, Satolli F, Zucchi A, Gandolfi M, Fioranelli M, Roccia MG, Boccalari M, França K, Lotti J, Zerbinati N, Lotti T, Feliciani C. Between history and gossip: the state of women relative to syphilis, a traditionally male disease. Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017 APR-JUN;31(2 Suppl. 2):187-191.
  29. Rovesti M, Satolli F, Zucchi A, Gandolfi M, Fioranelli M, Roccia MG, Boccalari M, França K, Lotti J, Zerbinati N, Lotti T, Feliciani C. A short novel about the spread of two important diseases in history: syphilis and SARS. Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017 APR-JUN;31(2 Suppl. 2):183-186.
  30. Fioranelli M, Roccia MG, Rovesti M, Satolli F, Petrelli P, Lotti T. The holocaust of the disabled. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2017 Oct;167(Suppl 1):54-55

02/11/2016–Present Oratore in diversi board e congressi tra cui

2021-2022-2023 Membro di numerosi board e e incontri multidisciplinari (con reumatologi, allergologi e altre figure sanitarie) per la gestione dei pazienti con psoriasi e dermatite atopica e trattamento con farmaci sistemici e biologici

Miriam Rovesti. “Volgare o raffinato?”. XII Congresso Nazionale di Immunopatologia; 29-30 November 2020 in Milan, Italy; 

Miriam Rovesti. “Clinical cases of acne”. Acne e paziente acneico-update. Parma, 5 October 2019.

Miriam Rovesti. “Superficial spreading melanoma – clinico-pathological correlations”.  Melanoma Day. 29 May 2019, Parma, Italy

Rovesti Miriam, Cortelazzi Chiara, Pierobon Elena, Feliciani Claudio, Di Nuzzo Sergio. “Micosi Fungoide , about different point of view ... da quello del paziente, a quello del nostro centro linfomi”. Sidemast regionale, 7 December 2018, Modena, Italy

Zucchi Alfredo, Satolli Francesca, Di Maria Domenico, Scrivani Sara, Rovesti Miriam, Longo Rosita, Feliciani Claudio. XXXII annual meeting SIDCO. 6-9 June 2018 in Rome, Italy

Miriam Rovesti, Francesca Satolli. “Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae” meeting " Sexual transmitted Diseases: what's new". 17 February 2018 and 16 June 2018 : Parma, Italy

Valeria Boccaletti, Francesca Besagni, Miriam Rovesti, Claudio Feliciani. “Andrea mani di Hopf”. At the LVI annual meeting ADOI; 19-21 October 2017, Rome, Italy

Miriam Rovesti, Claudio Feliciani. “A strange nevus on the finger”. 30th symposium augustanum: Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Spectrum of Clinical dermatology. May 12-13, Marburg, Germany

20-23 April 2017: annual meeting SIDCO, Siena, Italy

02/11/2016–Present Poster inviati ai seguenti congressi:

  • Miriam Rovesti, Francesca Peccerillo, Maria Beatrice de Felici del Giudice, Claudio Feliciani, Valeria Boccaletti. “Safety and effectiveness of topical timolol for the treatment of superficial infantile hemangiomas in preterm infants”. At the 24th World Congress of Dermatology; 10-15 June 2019, Milan, Italy.
  • Miriam Rovesti, Francesca Satolli, Alfredo Zucchi, Elena Pierobon,Valeria Boccaletti, Maria Beatrice Bertolani, Beatrice De Felici Del Giudice, Roberto Ricci, Claudio Felici. “Pemphigus and rituximab: a new era.” At the 93 Sidemast; 23-26 May 2018, Verona, Italy.

02/11/2016–Present Coautore dei capitoli nei seguenti libri: Francesca Satolli, Miriam Rovesti. Chapter: “Atlas of dermoscopy” in Textbook and Atlas of Dermatology. By: Michael Tirant, Torello Lotti, Davinder Parsad. Published 15 June 2018. ISBN-10: 938398936X; ISBN-13: 978-9383989362

  • Francesca Satolli, Miriam Rovesti, Claudio Feliciani. Chapter 7: “Autoimmune skin disorders” in Advanced in integrative dermatology. Online ISBN: 9781119476009. Doi: 10.1002/9781119476009; © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Miriam Rovesti, Alfredo Zucchi, Claudio Feliciani, Francesca Satolli. Chapter 17: “A residual pigmentary lesion after melanoma surgery” in Clinical Cases in Melanoma.

09/2009–07/2015.     Laurea  in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Parma con il voto di 110/110 con lode e con menzione d’onore. Università degli studi di Parma, Parma (Italy)

09/2013–07/2014 Student Exchange programme (Erasmus) Université C. Bernard de Lyon, Lyon (France) 9 months of different Internships at the Edouard Herriot Hospital and Centre Léon Bérard.

Final Evaluation of the stages:  A / Excellent.

06/2011–08/2011 Corso di dissezione su cadavere di 320 ore presso l’UNIVERSITA’ DI NEW YORK nel prograama Human Gross Anatomy NYU (New York University), New York (United States)



Il nosto team

Gli specialisti coinvolti nell’attività del poliambulatorio costituiscono un gruppo di lavoro ove condividere la propria esperienza professionale ed offrire ai pazienti prestazioni di alto livello ed al passo con gli aggiornamenti scientifici Evidence Based sulla problematica affrontata in ambulatorio.